Class Planning

Available Classes

FlexGE students are eligible to take the following class types:

FlexGE Fall &
Spring &
Evening Classes Yes Yes
Salt Lake Center classes (day and evening) Yes Yes
Daytime classes on Provo Campus No Yes


Instruction Modes

FlexGE students can take classes offered in any of the four instruction modes offered at BYU, provided the classes are also an eligible class type listed above. FlexGE students cannot take online classes in fall and winter semesters unless those classes are Evening or Salt Lake class types. The instruction modes are Classroom, Blended, Live Remote Delivery, and On-Demand Remote Delivery.

In Person Classes
professor giving lecture in a classroom

Classes will be taught in-person, on campus on the days and hours listed in the Class Schedule.

teacher looks at student's computer screen

Classes will be a mixture of in-person, campus instruction, and online components. Students should be available on the days and hours listed in the Class Schedule.

Remote Classes
student watches instructions on computer screen

Classes will be conducted entirely in LIVE (synchronous), online sessions (using Zoom or similar tools) on the days and hours listed in the Class Schedule. Students will not attend class on campus.

student writes on tablet while watching a lecture on laptop

Classes will be conducted entirely online using ON-DEMAND (asynchronous) digital course materials, such as video lectures. Students will not attend class on campus.

Recommended Classes

FlexGE students are encouraged to take a full credit load (about 12–14 credits per semester in fall and winter or 6–7 credits per term in spring and summer). Here are some highly recommended courses for new FlexGE students:

Course Description
A Cornerstone Religion course (Rel C 200, Rel C 225, Rel A 250, Rel A 275) These classes are required for BYU students and can be taken in any order. Students are recommended to take one religion class per semester.
WRTG 150: Writing and Rhetoric This is a required class for BYU students and is recommended for students to take in their first or second semester. This class teaches students to write effective papers for university classes.
STDEV 109: Effective Study and Learning This is an elective class. Students who take this class learn tips and tricks to get better grades while spending less time studying.
STDEV 117: Career Exploration This is an elective class and is highly recommended for students
who are unsure what major to choose. Students learn to connect
interests and skills to majors and careers.


Building a Full Schedule

Most FlexGE students take one or more daytime classes at the BYU Salt Lake Center to free up some evenings for clubs, volunteer work, or social activities. Classes at the Salt Lake Center usually meet only once a week, so pairing two or three in one day can open up your schedule quite a bit without requiring many trips. And travel to the Salt Lake Center is easy and free with your student ID.  

BYU Salt Lake Center Class Schedule

Major Academic Plans

Students who plan to transfer to BYU can use the academic plan for their desired major to see recommended courses to take each semester. Major academic plans also show recommended general education (GE) courses. Be aware that some courses may not be available to FlexGE students.

Major Academic Plans

General Education Classes

FlexGE students are encouraged to take classes that fulfill BYU general education requirements. A complete list of classes that will fulfill GE requirements can be found in the academic catalog. Please be aware that some classes may not be available to FlexGE students.

General Education

Transfer and AP Credit

If you have transfer, AP, or concurrent enrollment credit, you can request the school or organization from which you earned it to send the credit to BYU. Once processed, your credit will appear in the MyMAP registration system and indicate the requirements it will fulfill. If your transfer credit does not yet appear in MyMAP, you can check individual transfer classes on the Transfer Equivalency Search. AP credits can be checked on the AP Exam Guide.

Transfer Equivalency Search      AP Exam Guide

Classes to Be Cautious About

If you plan to apply to BYU, you should strive to maintain a good GPA to be a good candidate for admission. Here are some challenging courses that students should only take after careful consideration or postpone until after being admitted to BYU:

  • A HTG 100: American Heritage
  • ACC 200: Principles of Accounting
  • CHEM 101: Introductory General Chemistry
  • CHEM 105: General College Chemistry
  • ECON 110: Economic Principles and Problems
  • MATH 110: College Algebra
  • MAT 112: Calculus 1
  • STAT 121: Principles of Statistics